collected eschenau
21 × 29.7 cm
collected: bocksberg febr. 1999
29.7 × 21 cm
collected: böhlgrund 06 1999 (rinde)
35 × 25 cm
collected: schöntal 18 06 1999
21 × 74 cm
collected: schleifrangen bei wohnau, 29.08.1999
29.7 × 21 cm
coll. 18.9 1999 ebracher trieb/prüsberg
20 × 30.8 cm
collection susanne jacob de vries
[collected:] 7 november 1999 gereuth
51 × 73 cm
cabeza de la dama (ziegenkötel)
35 × 25 cm
atropa belladonna
140 × 100 cm
2419 × betula nana
100 × 140 cm
108 ×
51.8 × 51.3 × 3 cm
edition 19 + 1 a.p., signed and numbered
pressed plants & seeds
collected: gereuth 31 03 1999
22 × 31 × 2 cm
after the winter
31 × 22 × 2 cm
after the winter
31 × 22 × 2 cm
after the winter
30.9 × 22.2 × 3.4 cm
after the winter
30.9 × 22.2 × 3.4 cm
collected: 02 07 1999, knetzgauer flur
71.8 × 52 × 3.7 cm
part - collected: knetzgauer waldwiese 02 07 1999
21 × 29.7 cm
part - coll.: nußberg 02 07 1999
22.1 × 30.8 × 2 cm
part - collected: nußberg 02 07 1999
50 × 70 cm
part - coll.: nußberg 02 07 1999
21 × 29.7 cm
part - collected böhlgrund 09 07 1999
50 × 70 cm
part collected: böhlgrund 9.7.99 (convolvulus arvensis)
30.9 × 22 × 2 cm
part - collected: farnbach 9.7.99
29.7 × 21 cm
part - collected im böhlgrund
29.8 × 21 cm
part [?] collected 09 07 1999
21 × 29.7 cm
part - collected im böhlgrund 09 07 1999 (juncus)
21 × 29.7 cm
part - collected: heuschener, 16 07 1999
29.7 × 21 cm
collected: 22 07 1999 ösbachtal
31 × 22 × 2 cm
part - coll.: am löchla 26 07 1999
29.7 × 21 cm
part - coll.: am löchla 26 07 1999
21 × 29.7 cm
part - coll.: am löchla 26 07 1999
25 × 35 cm
from a forest pond II
73 × 102 cm
collection Altana Kulturstiftung, Bad Homburg
from a forest pond III
73 × 102 cm
collection Altana Kulturstiftung, Bad Homburg
part - collected: eschenau 01 08 1999
21.7 × 29.7 cm
collected: heuschener 21 08 1999
50 × 70 cm
collected: heuschener 1999
29.7 × 21 cm
collected: 31 08 1999 schleifrangen bei wohnau
26 × 31 × 3.4 cm
collected: weilersbach 31 08 1999
21 × 29.7 cm
part (equisetum hyemale)
27 × 73 cm
rasenstück (molinia caerulea)
144 × 103 cm
21 × 29.7 cm
from the forest floor - kleinengelein
22.2 × 31 × 3.4 cm
collected: ösbach
21 × 29.7 cm
hasenperspektive II
48 × 225 cm
part (iris sibirica)
21 × 29.7 cm
part (molinia caerulea)
21 × 29.7 cm
part (knetzgauer lange hecke)
29.7 × 21 cm
29.7 × 21 cm
clematis vitalba, seed
103 × 145 cm
clematis vitalba, seed
21 × 29.7 cm
earth rubbings
from red earth
100 × 140 cm
from earth (voor fenna)
50 × 70 cm
from earth: europa & azië
50 × 70 cm
from earth: knetzgau
70 × 50 cm
from earth: rote quelle
70 × 50 cm
from earth: eichholz
73 × 102 cm
from earth: katzentännig b. neuhausen
from earth: from an ancient road, großer knetzberg
50 × 70 cm
from earth: steigerwald, löcher v29
50 × 70 cm
from earth: oberschwappach-rheinhardswinden
73 × 102 cm
from earth: oberschwappach, rheinhardswinden
50 × 70 cm
from earth: rheinhardswinden
50 × 70 cm
from earth: rheinhardswinden
50 × 70 cm
from earth: prölsdorf
29.7 × 21 cm
from earth: sulzheim
73 × 102 cm
from earth: taubenherd b. michelau
16 × 26.5 cm
from earth: vollberg b. michelau
73 × 102 cm
from earth: wonfurt
73 × 102 cm
from earth: am löchla, wonfurt
73 × 102 cm
from earth: pfaffenreuth,stiftland
73 × 102 cm
from earth: volcanic earth
50 × 70 cm
from earth: konnersreuth
70 × 50 cm
from earth: col de la chaudière
73 × 102 cm
from earth: roussillon
73 × 102 cm
from earth: st. priest-lyon
3 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: massif central: solignac
73 × 102 cm
from earth: luberon: cournilles
73 × 102 cm
from earth: hermigua
70 × 50 cm
from earth: teide, los azulejos
102 × 143 cm
from earth: teide, los azulejos
73 × 102 cm
from earth: lomo loco, gomera
73 × 102 cm
from earth: martinsćica, cres, croatia
29.7 × 21 cm
from earth: leros, plefouti
73 × 102 cm
from earth: leros, panteli
73 × 102 cm
from earth: kreta, matala
70 × 50 cm
from earth: island, námaskard
73 × 102 cm
from earth: island, námaskard
73 × 102 cm
from earth: island, námaskard
50 × 70 cm
from earth: island, námaskard
50 × 70 cm
from earth: island, námaskard
50 × 70 cm
from earth: from under the bodhi tree, bodh gaya
29.7 × 21 cm
from earth: bhutan
50 × 70 cm
from earth: bhutan
3 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: (near) luang prabang
6 + 1 sheets, each 50 × 70 cm
from earth: rarotonga (coll. caroline blaser)
50 × 70 cm
from earth: australia
2 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: daylesford, victoria australia
50 × 70 cm
from earth: urquhart bluff near anglesea, victoria, australia
50 × 70 cm
from earth: cap schanck, victoria, australia 12
73 × 102 cm
from earth: morocco, ablimomen
73 × 102 cm
from earth: agadir
50 × 70 cm
from earth: between agadir & chechaouen
17 × 52.5 cm
from earth: the karroo, collected by amber nowak
29.7 × 21 cm
from earth: the karroo, collected by amber nowak
14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: puerto palta, santo domingo
10 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm