pinus canariensis
73 × 102 cm
ilex canariensis
73 × 102 cm
viburnum rigidum, collected 14 12 1994 los palos blancos, hierro
73 × 102 cm
sonchus hierrensis, collected: near tiñor, el hierro, 20 12 1994
42 × 119 cm
acacia cyclops, collected: las palmas, el hierro, 20 12 1994
70 × 100 cm
aegopodium podagraria L., gesammelt ettersburg
73 × 102 cm
50 × viola - zum 06 09 1995
50 × 70 cm
collected: 15 october 1995 - die wiese - from viburnum opulus
22 × 55 cm
under the birch
50 × 70 cm
hypericum canariense, coll. camino → mt. colorada 12 1995
29.7 × 21 cm
maytenus canariensis, el hierro
50 × 70 cm
myrica faya, coll.: bailadera de los brujas, 06 12 1995
29.7 × 21 cm
acacia cyclops, eremita virgen de los reyes, 08 12 1995
29.7 × 21 cm
myrica faya, collected: las hayas, el hierro 10 12 1995
73 × 102 cm
collection Musée cantonal desBeaux-Arts, Lausanne
cistus monspeliensis, el hierro
73 × 102 cm
equisetum maximum
3 parts, each 123.5 × 55 × 4 cm
collection Kröller Müller Museum, Otterlo
periploca laevigata
73 × 102 cm
xylaria hypoxylon
21 × 29.7 cm
centourea scabiosa
21 × 29.7 cm
erica arborea
25 × 35 cm
72 × heidelbeere
21 × 29.7 cm
alle blätter von einem zweig: gingko biloba
43 × 102 cm
pressed plants & seeds
from the forest floor - under pinus canariensis, el hierro
2 parts, each 25 × 33.5 cm
part (eichholz 28 06 '95)
21 × 29.7 cm
part (eichholz 28 06 '95)
21 × 29.7 cm
part (eichholz 28 06 '95)
21 × 29.7 cm
part : typha (eschenau, teich bei kirche 19 07 '95)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part - eschenauer flur 19 07 '95
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part - eschenauer flur 19 07 '95
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
collection susanne jacob de vries
part - eschenauer flur 19 07 '95
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part - (eschenauer flur 19 07 '95)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part (collected 26.07.1995 jägerhaus)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part (collected 27.07.1995 jägerhaus)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part (collected 27.07.1995 jägerhaus)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part coll.: eschenauer flur 31.7.1995 (lolium perenne)
22.1 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part coll.: eschenau 31.7.1995 (lolium perenne)
22.1 × 30.7 × 2 cm
carduus nutans, coll. unterliezheim 31.07.1995
73 × 102 cm
cirsium arvense (böhlgrund 10 08 1995)
22 × 30.5 × 2 cm
cirsium vulgare (speerdistel)
73 × 102 cm
cirsium vulgare (speerdistel)
21 × 29.7 cm
cirsium eriophorum (traustadt-hundelshausen 21.08.1995)
21 × 29.7 cm
part - collected: klosterwiese 22 08 1995
21 × 29.7 cm
part (klosterwiese 22.8.1995)
22.1 × 30.8 × 2 cm
part (klosterwiese 22.8.1995)
22.1 × 30.8 × 2 cm
part - collected: bockberg 22 08 '95
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part - collected: bockberg 22 08 '95
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part - collected: klosterwiese 4 09 1995
70 × 50 cm
part (steigerwald, mäusenest 10 11 '95)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part (steigerwald, mäusenest 11 10 '95)
22 × 30.7 × 2 cm
part (steigerwald, 11 10 '95)
22 × 30.8 × 1.9 cm
part - collected: geißleite 18 10 1995
21 × 29.7 cm
part (coll. lauterbruck)
21 × 29.7 cm
part (steigerwald, mäusenest)
21 × 29.7 cm
part (collected eschenau)
22.1 × 31 × 2 cm
25.5 × 180 cm
9 parts, each 21 × 29.7 cm
22.1 × 30.7 × 1.9 cm
30.9 × 22.1 × 1.9 cm
part - coll.: eschenauer flur
21 × 29.7 cm
under the trees II
36 panels each 22 × 32 cm
seeds: compositae
32 panels each 21 × 29.7 cm
collection Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
periploca laevigata
21 × 29.7 cm
nerium oleander
21 × 29.7 cm
part (steigerwald, birkenfeld)
29.7 × 21 cm
centaurea scabiosa
70 × 100 cm
earth rubbings
von eschenauer erde
21 × 29.7 cm
de la terre: entre eschenau et mouans-sartoux
48 × 36.4 cm
from earth: eichholz
73 × 102 cm
from earth: normandie
5 + 1 cards each, 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: solignac
102 × 73 cm
from earth: some red
11 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
vulcanic earth I and II
2 parts, each 102 × 73 cm
from earth: alaquàs
1 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: liguria
4 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: channel islands: sark
1 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: sanyang, ganbia (hartmut geerken)
29.7 × 21 cm
from earth: palestina
6 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
terrae petrinsulares
16.2 × 11.5 × 1.8 cm
edition 7, signed and numbered