aus albert hoffmanns garten am 1. mai 2001
20 × 30.8 cm
collection susanne jacob de vries
64× daucus carota (wilde möhre)
73 × 102 cm
16 + 1 sheets, each 22 × 64.6 cm
collection Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar
gingko biloba - falkenstein
120 × 180 cm
leaves from the garden of taroudant
70 × 110 cm
collection Herbert Gerisch-Stiftung, Neumünster
salix incana, collected: la robine sur galabre
50 × 70 cm
alle blätter von einem zweig (quercus cerris)
33 × 102 cm
unter der hainbuche, henzelsberg okt. 2011
100 × 140 cm
landschap tussen nederland en ossenzijl
39 × 50 cm
grenzenlose gerechtigkeit (bush)
50 × 70 cm
collection Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart
grenzenlose gerechtigkeit (bush)
29.7 × 21 cm
50 × 70 cm
50 × 70 cm
one is all
10.5 × 14.8 cm
21 × 29.7 cm
21 × 29.7 cm
yellow red blue green
21 × 29.7 cm
human life (we are the foods we eat)
Gallery Surge, Tokyo
les marnes noires
Cairn-Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt
Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt [?]
traces & points
[object label]
rosa canina
66 × 70 cm
variable dimensions
pressed plants & seeds
part - coll. traustadterwald 10.01.2001
73 × 102 cm
part – coll. erhardschlag 10 01 2001 (molinia caerulea)
73 × 102 cm
part - coll.: steinberg-sauknuck 16 1 2001
52.2 × 72.2 × 4.5 cm
hops humulus lupulus
50 × 70 cm
knetzgauer lange hecke part: after the winter
50 × 70 cm
collection Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
part - coll.: böhl 21 06 2001
70 × 50 cm
collected: köhlerin 21 06 2001
90 × 45 cm
part - coll. knetzgauer flur 23 7 2001
72.1 × 52.1 × 4.5 cm
part - coll. ösbachtal 10 8 2001
52 × 72 × 3.5 cm
part - collected: oesbachtal, 10 08 2001
73 × 102 cm
collected: bocksberg 16 08 01 (calam. epig.)
143 × 103 cm
collection Altana Kulturstiftung, Bad Homburg
collected: urwiese b. unfinden 30 08 2001
102 × 73 cm
collection Volksbank EG, Offenburg
3 parts, each 100 × 100 cm
clematis vitalba
50 × 70 cm
knöterich, gartenzaun, eschenau
50 × 70 cm
ash rubbings
aschen von sonnwendfeuer
24 sheets, each 29.7 × 21 cm
ashes - sonnwendfeuer eschenau [I]
40 × 30 cm
edition 1/1
ashes sonnenwendfeuer eschenau
61 × 86 cm
aschen vom sonnenwendfeuer 2001, eschenau
30 × 40 cm
ashes von einer alten brennstelle im hainerter wäldchen
61 × 86 cm
earth rubbings
from earth: hassberge
100 × 140 cm
from earth: kösseine-berg
3 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: vaud
34 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: réserve nationale de géologie, haute provence
28 + 1 sheets, each 70 × 50 cm
collection Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
from earth: île de porquerolles
29.7 × 21 cm
from earth: la gomera
120 × 180 cm
from earth: la gomera: punta de la cruz
73 × 102 cm
from earth: north cyprus
70 × 50 cm
from earth: north cyprus
73 × 102 cm
from earth: mongolia
3 + 2 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: quondong, w. australia
3 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: san pedro n. curaçao
29.7 × 21 cm