
wittgenstein tractatus: 1

catalogue number: hdv 1999.011.
date created: 1999
classification: works on paper
work type text drawing
medium: charcoal/burned wood, on paper
text 'die welt ist alles was der fall ist' [source: L. Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus: 1]
dimensions: 73 × 102 cm
framed 75.2 × 104.2 × cm
signature and inscriptions: titled, signed and dated on the reverse [?]
current repository: collection herman and susanne de vries
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Joana Schwender
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2019 'herman de vries. textfelder', Galerie Geiger, Konstanz 2019
published references
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. textfelder (Galerie Geiger : Konstanz 2019) image repr. on page 31.