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from earth: la gomera

catalogue number: hdv 2001.052.3
date created: 2001
classification: works on paper
work type: earth rubbing
medium: 432 (12 × 36) samples of earth/soil, collected on La Gomera (Canary Islands) - Spain, rubbed on paper
dimensions: 120 × 180 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled, signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
current repository: private collection
current repository number:
collecting history: acquired through Galerie Elke Dröscher-Kunstraum Falkenstein, Hamburg
related works:
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2001 'herman de vries : es ist immer anders - erdausreibungen + blätter der letzten jahre', Galerie Elke Dröscher-Kunstraum Falkenstein, Hamburg
published references
monograph Mel Gooding, Song of the Earth / interviews by William Furlong (Thames & Hudson : London 2002) image repr. on page 62.