- seeds of the eupatorium cannabinum
- seeds of the solidago virgaurea
- seeds of the aster linosyris (l.) bern.
- seeds of the gnaphalium uliginosum l.
- seeds of the tussilago farfara l.
- seeds of the senecio antheuphorbium l.
- seeds of the senecio jacobaea l.
- seeds of the senecio nemorensis l.
- seeds of the senecio sylvaticus l.
- seeds of the senecio vulgaris l.
- seeds of the kleinia neriifolia haw.
- seeds of the carduus crispus l.
- seeds of the carduus nutans l.
- seeds of the cirsium arvense (l.) scop.
- seeds of the cirsium eriophorum (l.) scop.
- seeds of the cirsium palustre (l.) scop.
- seeds of the cirsium vulgare (savi.) ten.
- seeds of the onopordon acanthium l.
- seeds of the centaurea scabiosa l.
- seeds of the leontodon autumnalis l.
- seeds of the picris hieracioides l.
- seeds of the tragopogon pratensis l.
- seeds of the taraxacum officinale web.
- seeds of the mycelis muralis (l.) dumort.
- seeds of the lactuca serriola l.
- seeds of the lactuca virosa l.
- seeds of the sonchus oleraceus l.
- seeds of the crepis biennis l.
- seeds of the prenanthes purpurea l.
- seeds of the hieracium caespitosum l.
- seeds of the hieracium pilosella l.
- seeds of the hieracium sylvaticum l.