seeds: compositae

catalogue number: hdv 1995.043.40
date created: 1993-1995
classification: the real works: assemblages & collages
work type pressed plants & seeds
medium: 32 different seeds, pressed between glass and board, and a card with the Latin name of these plants
dimensions: 32 parts, each part 21 × 29.7 cm + 1 card 22 × 22 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled, signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil) [?]
current repository: depot Centre national des arts plastiques at Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
current repository number: D1999.1.2.
collecting history: collection Centre national des arts plastiques (Cnap 99006/1-33), Paris (1999)
Galerie Aline Vidal, Paris
related works:
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
extended description
  1. seeds of the eupatorium cannabinum
  2. seeds of the solidago virgaurea
  3. seeds of the aster linosyris (l.) bern.
  4. seeds of the gnaphalium uliginosum l.
  5. seeds of the tussilago farfara l.
  6. seeds of the senecio antheuphorbium l.
  7. seeds of the senecio jacobaea l.
  8. seeds of the senecio nemorensis l.
  9. seeds of the senecio sylvaticus l.
  10. seeds of the senecio vulgaris l.
  11. seeds of the kleinia neriifolia haw.
  12. seeds of the carduus crispus l.
  13. seeds of the carduus nutans l.
  14. seeds of the cirsium arvense (l.) scop.
  15. seeds of the cirsium eriophorum (l.) scop.
  16. seeds of the cirsium palustre (l.) scop.
  17. seeds of the cirsium vulgare (savi.) ten.
  1. seeds of the onopordon acanthium l.
  2. seeds of the centaurea scabiosa l.
  3. seeds of the leontodon autumnalis l.
  4. seeds of the picris hieracioides l.
  5. seeds of the tragopogon pratensis l.
  6. seeds of the taraxacum officinale web.
  7. seeds of the mycelis muralis (l.) dumort.
  8. seeds of the lactuca serriola l.
  9. seeds of the lactuca virosa l.
  10. seeds of the sonchus oleraceus l.
  11. seeds of the crepis biennis l.
  12. seeds of the prenanthes purpurea l.
  13. seeds of the hieracium caespitosum l.
  14. seeds of the hieracium pilosella l.
  15. seeds of the hieracium sylvaticum l.
exhibition history
1997 'herman de vries. journals & seeds (works on paper)', Art Affairs, Amsterdam
1998 'herman de vries. aus der wirklichkeit', Stadthaus Ulm, Ulm
1998 'herman de vries. this is perfect. that is perfect. perfect comes from perfect. take perfect from perfect, perfect remains', Galerie Aline Vidal, Paris
2005 'Chassez le naturel ...', Château de Chambord, Chambord [group]
published references
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. aus der wirklichkeit (Stadt Ulm : Ulm 1998) image repr. on pages 80-81.
monograph herman de vries (Galerie Aline Vidal/Anthèse : Paris 2000) image repr. on page 36-37.
collection catalogue L'Art en montagne. Collection du Musée Gassendi (Éditions Fage : Lyon 2024) no image repr., 238.