60times; (betula nana)
catalogue number: | hdv 2017.042. |
date created: | 2017 |
classification: | works on paper |
work type: | collage |
medium: | 60 leaves of the dwarf birch (betula nana), on paper |
dimensions: | framed 21.2 × 26.1 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil) titled '"60 x" für Wolfgang am 15.3.2017 mach so weiter! / betula nana', signed 'herman de vries + susanne de vries [+ heart]' on a sheet of paper mounted on the reverse (black ink) |
edition: |
current repository: | private collection, Knetzgau |
current repository number: | |
collecting history: | birthday gift by the artist in 2017 |
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photo/scan: | Joana Schwender, Hassfurt |
rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |