
the return of beauty II

catalogue number: 2017.042.
creation date: 1984-2016/2017
classification: the real works: assemblages & collages
work type: collage series
medium: artefacts, collected between 1984 and 2016, on paper
dimensions: 11 sheets, each sheet framed 36.2 × 26.2 × 2-4 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled [see 'extended description'], signed and dated on the front of each work (graphite pencil)
current repository: collection herman and susanne de vries
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Joana Schwender
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
extended description
1st row, from left to right:

1. piece of a newspaper, collected in New Delhi, India in 1984

2. artefact, collected in Eschenau in 1994

3. artefacts, collected on December 6, 1997 in Taguluche, La Gomera - Spain

4. artefact, collected on July 27, 2003 in our garden, Eschenau

5. artefact, collected on May 19, 2004 on the limestone hill near Sulzheim

6. artefact, collected on April 30, 2006 in Markertsgrün

2nd row, from left to right:

7. hair, collected in 2009 from the hair brush of the artist

8. artefacts, collected in 2009 on the street in front of the house, Eschenau

9. artefact, collected in 2010 in the forest near Neuhaus (Steigerwald)

10. artefact, collected in 2012 in Lindgehrn (Steigerwald)

11. artefact, collected in 2016 in Lindgehrn (Steigerwald)

exhibition history
2021 'herman de vries - vergehen (passing)', Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel
2022 'herman de vries * vergaan', Nederlands Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover, Amsterdam
2022 'herman de vries. sein & vergehen', Haus Nivard III - Maria Bildhausen, Münnerstadt
published references
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. vergehen (Museum für Sepulkralkultur : Kassel 2021) image repr. on page 21, 3.
exhibition catalogue herman de vries * vergaan (Nederlands Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover : Amsterdam 2022) image repr. on page 40 (catalogue number 10).
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. sein & vergehen (Galerie Thomas Pfarr im Heimatspielhaus : Münnerstadt 2023) image repr. on pages 152-153.