1st row, from left to right:
1. piece of a newspaper, collected in New Delhi, India in 1984
2. artefact, collected in Eschenau in 1994
3. artefacts, collected on December 6, 1997 in Taguluche, La Gomera - Spain
4. artefact, collected on July 27, 2003 in our garden, Eschenau
5. artefact, collected on May 19, 2004 on the limestone hill near Sulzheim
6. artefact, collected on April 30, 2006 in Markertsgrün
2nd row, from left to right:
7. hair, collected in 2009 from the hair brush of the artist
8. artefacts, collected in 2009 on the street in front of the house, Eschenau
9. artefact, collected in 2010 in the forest near Neuhaus (Steigerwald)
10. artefact, collected in 2012 in Lindgehrn (Steigerwald)
11. artefact, collected in 2016 in Lindgehrn (Steigerwald)