from earth
catalogue number: | hdv 2012.052. |
date created: | 2012 |
classification: | works on paper |
work type: | earth rubbing |
medium: | 16 samples of earth/soil, collected by Peter Foolen in France and Italy, rubbed on paper and in parcel |
dimensions: | 16 + 2 (cover page and list of the geographical origins of the earth samples) cards, each card 14.8 × 10.5 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | titled, signed and dated on the cover page (graphite pencil) numbered on the reverse of each card (graphite pencil) |
edition: |
current repository: | private collection, Eindhoven |
current repository number: | |
collecting history: | |
related works: | |
comment: | list of the geographical origins of the earth samples: 1-8. rustrel, vaucluse | 9-12. puimichel | 13-14. entrechaux, vaucluse | 15. montclar-sur-gervanne, drôme | 16. monesiglio, piemonte the set contains 17 rubbings, number 7 is added twice |
photo/scan: | |
rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |