
gedenkstätte zwangsarbeiter schweinfurt

catalogue number: hdv 2011.111.1
date created: 2010-2011
classification: installations
work type: installation
medium: semi-circular stone with on top the in gold leaf 'die würde der menschen ist unantastbar' [Article 1 of the Fundamental Rights of the Bundesrepublik Deutschalnd] and 'zur erinnerung an tausende zwangsarbeiter 1940-1945 in schweinfurt' at one of the ends. The semicircle offers space for 4-5 people and stands in a bed surrounded by 3 lime trees (tilia cordata)
signature and inscriptions:
current repository: site of the former forced labor camp of the company Kugelfischer, Schweinfurt/Oberndorf
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: Main Post/Oliver Schikora
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
published references
flyer/interview Werner Enke, 'herman de vries. zum gedächtnis dessen, was vergessen ist (Initiative gegen das Vergessen, Zwangsarbeit in Schweinfurt e.V. : Schweinfurt 2010).