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from earth: bornholm

catalogue number: hdv 2007.052.3
date created: 2007
classification: works on paper
work type: earth rubbing
medium: 24 samples of earth/soil, collected on Bornholm - Denmark, rubbed on paper
dimensions: 50 × 70 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled, signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil) [?]
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comment: list of the geographical origins of the earth samples (from top left to bottom right): 1. sose | 2. bornholm | 3. sose | 4. rubinsee | 5. ibskirke | 6. sose | 7. bornholm | 8. bölshaun | 9. sose | 10. sose | 11. sose | 12. sose | 13. vester marie | 14. ibskirke | 15. bornholm | 16. airport | 17. bornholm | 18. knudser | 19. rubinsee | 20. sose | 21. sose | 22. sose | 23. ibskirke | 24. airport
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2007 'herman de vries. return of beauty', Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart