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alle blätter von einer pflanze: blaue lactuca, collected 5 2006

catalogue number: hdv 2006.042.2
date created: 2006
classification: the real works: assemblages & collages
work type: collage
medium: 20 leaves of the perennial lettuce (lactuca perennis), collected in May 2006 in Digne-les-Bains - France, on paper
dimensions: 36.3 × 210 cm
framed 37.5 × 211 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled 'alle blätter von einer pflanze: blaue lactuca, coll. 05/2006, digne' and signed on the front (graphite pencil) [?]
current repository: collection Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
current repository number: 2007.3.7
collecting history: gift by the artist on April 10, 2007
related works:
rights & reproduction: herman de vries/Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
published references
monograph herman de vries (Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains/Fage Éditions : Paris 2009) image repr. on page 35.
collection catalogue L'Art en montagne. Collection du Musée Gassendi (Éditions Fage : Lyon 2024) no image repr., 238.