1984 | 'herman de vries. natural relations I - die marokkanische sammlung', galerie d+c mueller-roth, Stuttgart |
1984 | 'Von hier aus. Zwei Monate neue deutsche Kunst in Düsseldorf', Halle 13 Messe Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf [group] |
1985 | 'herman de vries', galerie d+c mueller-roth, Stuttgart |
1989 | 'herman de vries. natural relations. eine skizze', Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen |
1990 | 'herman de vries. natural relations', Kunstmuseum Silkeborg, Silkeborg |
1990 | 'herman de vries. natural relations', Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, Arnhem |
2003 | Cistercian Abbey, Bebenhausen [group] |

rosa centifolia
catalogue number: | hdv 2003.111. |
date created: | 1984/2003 |
classification: | the real works: installations |
work type: | floor installation |
medium: | 54 pound rose petals |
dimensions: | |
signature and inscriptions: | uninscribed |
edition: |
current repository: | temporary installation |
current repository number: | |
collecting history: | |
related works: | |
comment: | |
photo/scan: | Christian Blei, Stuttgart (2003) |
rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |
exhibition history
published references
monograph | Mel Gooding, herman de vries. chance and change (Thames & Hudson : London 2006) image repr. on page 92. |
exhibition catalogue | herman de vries. all this here; natur: werkgruppen und installationen (Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland : Bedburg Hau 2009) image repr. on page 73-74. |