
from eight fires

catalogue number: hdv 2002.051.16
date created: 2002
classification: works on paper
work type: ash rubbing
medium: 8 samples of ashes, collected around Eschenau and the Steigerwald, rubbed on paper
dimensions: 73 × 102 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled 'from eight fires', signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
annotated with a list of locations of the samples 1. wald b. herbstadt; 2. hianerter wald (alte brennstelle); 3. oberschwappacher flur (heckenschnitt); 4. behringen (fichten); 5. zw. kleinengelein o. milsterholz; 6. eigene kachelofen-eschenau; 7. behringen; 8. keil [from left to right and top down] written on a label, mounted on the back of the frame (graphite pencil)
current repository:
current repository number:
collecting history: Galerie Petr Zaloudek, Prague
related works:
photo/scan: courtesy Galerie Petr Zaloudek, Prague
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2016 'zero.0.nul', Galerie Petr Zaloudek, Prague [group]
published references
exhibition catalogue zero.0.nul 2/12/16-14/1/17 Galerie Petr Zaloudek (Galerie Petr Zaloudek : Prague 2016) image repr. on page 19.