additional images
  • 1998-00-00-114a
  • 1998-00-00-114b
  • 1998-00-00-114c
  • 1998-00-00-114d

1 m² (natura artis magistra)

catalogue number: hdv 1998.112.
date created: 1998
classification: the real works: installations
work type environment (sanctuary)
medium: iron fence around 1 square meter garden; sign with text 'natura artis magistra'
dimensions: 1 × 1 [× 1 ?] m
signature and inscriptions: [uninscribed]
current repository: the garden of the nursing home De Meent, Grote Beer 10, Veenendaal
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
comment: the sign with the text 'natura artis magistra' has disappeared
photo/scan: archive herman de vries/Eva and Wolfgang Aull, Eschenau (2023)
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1998 'Hallo! Is daar iemand?', Verpleeghuis De Meent, Veenendaal [group]