
rasenstück (phalaris arundinacea)

catalogue number: hdv 1998.043.18
date created: 1998
classification: the real works: assemblages & collages
work type pressed plants & seeds
medium: canary grass (phalaris arundinacea), pressed between glass and board
dimensions: 198 × 69 cm
signature and inscriptions: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
titled, signed and dated on the reverse [?]
current repository: private collection, Stuttgart
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Bruno Schneyer, Zeil am Main
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1999 'herman de vries. was wieso vonwo wohin', Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
2001 'herman de vries. texte und tatsachen', Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt
2015 'herman de vries. to be all ways to be', Biennale Arte 2015, Dutch Pavilion, Venice
published references
monograph herman de vries (Galerie Aline Vidal/Anthèse : Paris 2000) image repr. on page 51.
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. texte und tatsachen (Museum für Konkrete Kunst : Ingolstadt 2001) image repr. on page 59.
monograph Mel Gooding, herman de vries. chance and change (Thames & Hudson : London 2006) image repr. on page 68.
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. to be all ways to be (Valiz/Mondriaan Fund : Amsterdam 2015) image repr. on page 56.