from the meadow
13 out of 58 images
  • 1997-00-00-006a
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from "the meadow"

catalogue number: hdv 1997.042.
date created: 1997
classification: the real works: assemblages & collages
work type collage series
medium: leaves collected in 'the meadow/die wiese' in Eschenau, on paper
dimensions: 57 + 1 (title page) sheets, each sheet 29.7 × 21 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled 'from "the meadow"', signed and dated on the title page (graphite pencil)
the number of sheets '57 + 1' (graphite pencil) + hare stamp on the reverse of the title page
the name of the plant/tree on the reverse of each sheet [see 'extended description'] (graphite pencil)
current repository: collection herman and susanne de vries
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/l-cs
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
extended description
  1. dünen rose - rosa pimpinelliflolia
  2. bühler zwetschge - prunus domestica
  3. pfaffenhütchen - euonymus europaea
  4. kartoffel rose - rosa rugosa
  5. wintereiche - quercus robur ssp petraea
  6. liguster - ligustrum vulgare
  7. feldahorn - acer campestre
  8. vielblütige rose - rosa multiflora
  9. schneeball - viburnum opulus
  10. esche - fraxinus excelsior
  11. apfel, boskoop - malus sylvestris var. domestica
  12. quitte - cydonia oblonga
  13. silberweide - salix alba
  14. kreuzdorn - rhamnus cathartica
  15. faulbaum - rhamnus frangula
  16. salix caprea - salweide
  17. nothofagus antarctica
  18. speierling - sorbus domestica
  19. sorbus intermedia (?)
  20. winterlinde - tilia cordata
  21. eberesche - sorbus anenparia
  22. apfel 'jacob fischer' - malus sylvestris v. domestica
  23. acer sa[c]charinum
  24. balsam pappel - populus balsamifera
  25. baumhasel - corylus colurna
  26. betula pendula
  27. mispel - mespilus germanica
  28. ginkgo biloba
  29. mirabelle - prunus myrobalana
  1. crataegus sp.
  2. kornelkirsche - cornus mas
  3. schlehe - prunus spinosa
  4. hainbuche - carpinus betulus
  5. sauerkirsche - prunus ceresus
  6. 'klarapfel' - malus sylvestris v. domestica
  7. weißdorn - crataegus monogyna
  8. haselnuß - corylus avellana
  9. manna esche - fraxinus ornus
  10. zitterpappel - populus tremula
  11. ölweide - elaeagnus angustifolia
  12. stachelbeere - ribes uva-crispa
  13. große gelbe knorpelkirsche - prunus avium
  14. birne - pyrus communis domestica [untere birne].
  15. brombeere - rubus fruticosus
  16. eßkastanie - castanea sativa
  17. rubus odoratus
  18. holzkirsche - prunus avium
  19. grauweide - salix cinerea
  20. reine claude d'oullins - prunus domestica
  21. trauerweide - salix alba 'tristis'
  22. crataegus persimilis (c. x prunifolia)
  23. crataegus pedicellata (coccinea)
  24. wallnuß - juglans regia
  25. hundsrose - rosa canina
  26. tangutische himbeere - rubus cockburnianus
  27. himbeere - rubus idaeus
  28. hartriegel - cornus sanguinea