from earth

catalogue number: hdv 1991.052.
date created: 1991
classification: works on paper
work type: earth rubbing
medium: 8 samples of earth/soil, collected all over the world, rubbed on paper
signature and inscriptions: titled, signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil) [?]
current repository: private collection, Germany
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
comment: origins of the samples: 1. barossa valley, bei adelaïde, s. australia | 2. mont plaisir, mahé, seychelles | 3. providence canyon, georgia, usa | 4. poite bernard, senegal | 5. santiago del estero, argentina | 6. nagarkot, nepal | 7. 65 km sso. von moskou, udssr | 8. knetzgau, deutschland
rights & reproduction: herman de vries