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from earth: güzelcamli

catalogue number: hdv 1990.052.
date created: 1990
classification: works on paper
work type: earth rubbing
medium: 3 samples of earth/soil, collected in Güzelcamli - Turkey, rubbed on paper
dimensions: 3 sheets each 21 × 29.7 cm [?]
framed together 52 × 92 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled 'from earth: güzelcamli', signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
current repository: private collection, The Hague
current repository number:
collecting history: acquired through Art Affairs, Amsterdam
related works:
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1992 'herman de vries. green windows', Galerie Ronkes Agerbeek, The Hague
1998 'herman de vries. moments in a stream (works 1957-1998)', Art Affairs, Amsterdam
2002 'geheim: kunstenaar ontdekt!', STROOM, The Hague [group]. Special exhibition for Liesbeth van Abbe.