
catalogue number: hdv 1987.042.2
date created: 1988
classification: the real works: assemblages & collages
work type: collage
medium: twigs of wild raspberries with galls, on paper
dimensions: 40 × 30 cm
framed 44.6 × 35.6 × 5.9 cm
signature and inscriptions: signed and dated on the reverse (graphite pencil)
current repository: collection herman and susanne de vries
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Julia Henfling
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1993 'Naturkunden. Naturkunde in Kunstwerken : Multiples, Objecte, Installationen', Galerie Paszti-Bott, Cologne [group]