exhibition view Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart (1984)

natural relations (moroccan artefacts collection)

catalogue number: hdv 1984.111.5
date created: 1984
classification: the real works: installations
work type: floor installation
medium: equipment for the extraction and processing of plants, collected during a stay in Morocco; on white cotton; the parts are described in herman de vries. natural relations I - die marokkanische sammlung (Galerie Mueller-Roth : Stuttgart 1984 / Institut für moderne Kunst : Nürnberg 1984)
dimensions: variable
signature and inscriptions: uninscribed
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current repository number:
collecting history:
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comment: in 1989 the installation was exhibited again in a more extended version.
photo/scan: archive herman de vries
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1984 'herman de vries. 'natural relations I - die marokkanische sammlung', Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
1989 'herman de vries. natural relations – eine skizze', Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen
1990 'herman de vries. natural relations', Kunstmuseum Silkeborg, Silkeborg
1990 'herman de vries. natural relations', Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, Arnhem
published references
text herman de vries, 'natural relations - eine einleitung', in herman de vries. natural relations – eine skizze (Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum : Hagen / Verlag für moderne Kunst : Nürnberg 1989) xvii-xxxii. Reprinted in to be : texte - textarbeiten - textbilder (Stuttgart 1995) 105-129 and in Danish translation in herman de vries. udstillingskatalog (Silkeborg Kunstmuseum : Silkeborg 1990) 12-30 (ill.).
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. udstillingskatalog (Silkeborg Kunstmuseum : Silkeborg 1990).