
catalogue number: hdv 1982.083.
date created: 1982
classification: mail- & stamp art
work type: mail art
medium: fibers from the trunk of a palm tree in a transparent envelope
dimensions: 11.5 × 16.5 cm
signature and inscriptions: dated (postmark) '27.DIC.82' on the front
annotated 'noch ein gewebe (vom stamm einer palm (vielleicht latakia, jedenfalls nicht von washing [...]))', signed and dated 'sta. cruz 22 12 1982' on the reverse (black ink)
current repository: collection Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: courtesy Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
published references
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. postal parcels & relations (Verlag für Moderne Kunst/Galerie Mueller-Roth : Stuttgart 2021) iamges repr. on page 74, 186.