collected: 26 12 1978 lava field, 700 m. west of la restinga
catalogue number: | hdv 1978.042.42 |
date created: | 1978 |
classification: | the real works: assemblages & collages |
work type: | collage |
medium: | ferns (adder's-tongue - ophioglossum lusitanicum), collected on December 26, 1978 in the lava fields of Restinga, El Hierro (Canary Islands) - Spain, on paper |
dimensions: | 21 × 29.7 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | |
edition: | |
current repository: | unknown |
current repository number: | |
collecting history: | |
related works: | |
comment: | |
photo/scan: | archive herman de vries |
rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |