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v75-59 linear complexities

catalogue number: 1975.011.8a-e
date created: 1975
classification: works on paper
work type: drawing
medium: on 5 sheets vertical lines (0.8 mm) are drawn at a distance of 5 mm (sheet 1) | 2 cm (sheet 2) | 8 cm (sheet 3) | 32 cm (sheet 4) and 128 cm (sheet 5, just 1 line at 5 mm from left side) with at random choice of colours (red, blue, black or yellow); coloured ink on paper in an envelope with handwritten title
dimensions: 5 sheets each 61 × 61 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled 'linear complexities', signed, dated 'eschenau juni 1975' and work number 'V75-59' on the title page (graphite pencil)
titled, signed and numbered on the reverse of each sheet
edition: [published by the artist, eschenau 1975]
edition 15 (realized 5, all different), numbered 1/15 - 5/15
current repository:
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rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1976 'Quinta Biennale internazionale della grafica d'arte', Palazzo Strozzi, Florence [group]
published references
exhibition catalogue Quinta Biennale internazionale della grafica d'arte : [mostra] Palazzo Strozzi [...] (Unione Fiorentina : Firenze 1976) vol. 1, p. 164-165.