[enlarged telegram]

catalogue number: hdv 1975.083.
date created: [1975]
classification: mail- & stamp art
work type: mail art
medium: 6 postcards, cut from the enlarged telegram, sent by herman de vries to the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam on February 3, 1975 for the vernissage of his exhibition on 6.2.1975 with text in English 'this shall you think of all this fleeting world: / a star at down, a bubble in a stream, / a flash of lightning and a summer cloud, / a flickering lamp, a phantom and a dream' (source: Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita Sutra [= Diamond Sutra]), printed on sturdy paper
dimensions: each postcard 15 × 10.9 cm
signature and inscriptions: uninscribed, but a stamp on the last postcard 'quellennachweis: / vajracchedika prajnapramita' on the reverse
edition: [herman de vries publisher ?]
edition unknown
current repository: one set of cards (incomplete) were found in the archive of herman de vries; another complete set in the mail art collection 'an katharina' (2003-present)
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works: the print [enlarged telegram] (1975)
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/l-cs
rights & reproduction: herman de vries