I. [v73-83] randomly selected number of groups of diagonal lines starting at a distance of 2 cm connecting randomly selected points and sides; on the intersections of the lines dots with at random selected size (1-5) are distributed [program as v73-72 and v73-73]; black ink with graphite on paper
II. [v73-84] randomly selected number of groups of diagonal lines starting at a distance of 2 cm connecting randomly selected points and sides; on the intersections of the lines dots with at random choice of size (1-5) and colour (red or black) are distributed [program as v73-72 and v73-73]; coloured ink with graphite pencil on paper
III. [v73-85] horizontal lines at a distance of 1 cm with at random selected colour (red or black) [program as v69-64 (sketchbook VI/ XI)]; coloured ink with graphite pencil on paper
IV. [v73-86] lines with at random choice of colour (red or black) in a grid pattern with size 5 mm [program as v69-62 (sketchbook VI/ IX)]; coloured ink with graphite pencil on paper
V. [v73-87] on the intersections of a 2 × 2 cm grid, dots are cistributed with at random choice of size (5 sizes) [program as v69-27 (sketchbook VI/ IV)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
VI. [v73-88] inside the squares of a 2 × 2 cm grid, lines are drawn from top left to bottom right and from top right to bottom left at random [program as v71-85 (sketchbook VIII/ XIV)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
VII. [v73-89] 3 × 3 squares of a 2 × 2 cm grid form 1 block; inside the squares the corners are connected by a line with at random direction / or \ , but each block with the same direction [program as v71-96 (sketchbook IX/ V)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
VIII. [v73-90] 3 × 3 squares of a 2 × 2 cm grid form 1 block; inside the squares the corners are connected by a line with at random direction / or \ , but each block with the same direction [program as v73-89 and v71-96 (sketchbook IX/ V)]; balck ink with graphite pencil on paper
IX. [v73-91] dashes with at random directions on the intersections of the lines of a 2 × 2 cm grid; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
X. [v73-92] on the intersections of 50 randomly selected diagonals, dots are distributed with at random selected size (5 sizes) [program as v71-133 (sketchbook X/ V)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XI. [v73-93] on the intersections of a 2 × 2 cm grid, dots are distributed with at random choice of size (5 sizes) [program as v69-27 (sketchbook VI/ IV)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XII. [v73-94] horizontal lines drawn at a distance of 5 mm and with at random selection of thickness of the line [program as v71-92 (sketchbook IX/ I)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XIII. [v73-95] on the intersections of a 2 × 2 cm grid, dots are distributed with one size (randomly selected) and at random selected colour (red or black) [program as v73-76 (sketchbook XIII/ XII)]; coloured ink with graphite pencil on paper
XIV. [v73-96] on the intersections of a 2 × 2 cm grid, dots are distributed with one size (randomly selected) and at random selected colour (red/yellow ink) [program as v73-78 (sketchbook XIII/ XIV)]; coloured ink with graphite pencil on paper
XV. [v73-97] horizontal and vertical lines at a distance of 5 mm are drawn with at random selected colour (blue or yellow) [program as v73-80 (sketchbook XIII/ XVI)]; coloured ink with graphite pencil on paper
XVI. [v73-98] vertical rectangles drawn with randomly selected width and number (2-9), placed at a distance of 1 cm relative to each other; if necessary the last rectangle will be shortened [program as v68-141 (sketchbook III/ IV)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XVII. [v73-99] on the intersections of the lines of a 3 × 3 cm grid, lines are drawn in random direction, but always crossing the borders [program as v73-06s (sketchbook XII/ XI)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XVIII. [v73-100] on the intersections of lines of a 2 × 4 cm grid, dots with at random selected size (5 sizes) are distributed [program as v72-58 (sketchbook XII/ VI)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XIX. [v73-101] on the intersections of lines of a 2 × 4 cm grid, dots with at random selected size (5 sizes) are distributed [program as v72-59 (sketchbook XII/ VII)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper
XX. [v73-102] on the intersections of the lines of a rectangular grid (with size at random) dots in 1 size (3 mm) are distributed [program as v71-128 (sketchbook X/ II)]; black ink with graphite pencil on paper