
v72-101 random objectivation

catalogue number: hdv 1972.062.37
date created: 1972
classification: sculpture
work type: relief
medium: 2 elements arranged with at random selected size and place; wood and white paint on chipboard
dimensions: 100 × 100 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled 'random objectivation', signed and dated/work number 'V72-101' + sticker Galerie Ursula Wendtorf + Franz Swetec, Düsseldorf and a sticker Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
current repository: unknown
current repository number:
collecting history: Cortesi Gallery, Lugano/Milano
Borzo Gallery, Amsterdam (2013)
Galerie Ursula Wendtorf + Franz Swetec, Düsseldorf
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Bruno Schneyer, Zeil am Main
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2011 'herman de vries. homogeen & heterogeen', Galerie Wit, Wageningen
2017 'herman de vries. the retrun of beauty', Cortesi Gallery, London
2018 'herman de vries. all all all', Cortesi Gallery, Milan
2021 'herman de vries. 90 ans', L.A.C. Lieu d'Art Contemporain, Sigean/Narbonne
published references
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. the return of beauty (Cortesi Gallery : Lugano/Milan/London 2017) image repr. on page [33] (catalogue nr. 1).
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. all all all (Cortesi Gallery : Lugano/Milan/London 2018) image repr. on page [27] (catalogue nr. 1).