1969 | 'herman de vries. rationele strukturen', Gemeentelijke Van Reekum Galerij, Apeldoorn |

v67-98 twee kwadraten
catalogue number: | hdv 1967.062.21 |
date created: | 1967 |
classification: | sculpture |
work type: | relief |
medium: | 2 squares, 1 square (40 × 40 cm) randomly placed in the center of the other (but sloping); plywood and white paint on chipboard |
dimensions: | 60 × 60 × 9 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | titled, signed and dated/work number on the reverse [?] |
edition: |
current repository: | Groninger Museum, Groningen |
current repository number: | 1979.0535 |
collecting history: | collection Cultutal Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, on loan to Groninger Museum, Groningen |
related works: | |
comment: | design in cooperation with Rina Kraayestein |
photo/scan: | Cor J. de Boer, Arnhem (1967) |
rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |
exhibition history
published references
exhibition catalogue | herman de vries. rationele strukturen (Gemeentelijke Van Reekum Galerij : Apeldoorn 1969) image repr. on p. [9], [11] (catalogue number 8). |
exhibition catalogue | Kunst van Nu in het Groninger Museum. Aanwinsten 1978-1982 = Kunst unserer Zeit im Groninger Museum. Neuerwerbungen 1978-1982 (Martinipers : Groningen 1982) no image repr., 100 (catalogue number 239). |