2023 | 'Blank. Raw. Illegible ... Artists' Books as Statements (1960–2022)', Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren [group] |

[v67-76] wit weiss
catalogue number: | hdv 1967.081.2 |
date created: | 1967 |
classification: | editions & publications |
work type: | artists' publication |
medium: | on page [1] 'inleiding einleitung j.c. van schagen', but the page itself is blank; followed by 247 blank pages [2]-[248]; the colophon is on page [249]. |
dimensions: | 16 × 12 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | uninscribed |
edition: | published and printed by edition hansjörg mayer, stuttgart 1967
[2nd] edition of 500, numbered |
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related works: | the first white book published in 1962 had another format (5 copies). In 1980 another (third) edition came out in Bern (artists press, [1980]), indicated as an edition of 5000 but only 100 were made. It is a 'revised edition', as there is no text anymore in the book or at the outside. the text is here only on a banderole [i.e. wrapper], so if you take away the banderole, the book is empty, no title, no (empty) introduction, anonym." In 2012 and 2014 more white books were published. |
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rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |
exhibition history
published references
exhibition catalogue | publikaties van de / en werk van / edition hansjörg mayer en werk van hansjörg mayer = publications by / and works by edition hansjörg mayer (Haags Gemeentemuseum: Den Haag 1968) 32-33. |
catalogue raisonné | herman de vries. les livres et les publications : catalogue raisonné (centre des livres d'artistes : Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche 2005) image repr. on page 100, 99 (catalogue number 7). |
monograph | Bronac Ferran, The Smell of Ink and Soil. The Story of [Edition] Hansjörg Mayer (Walther König : Köln 2017) 241 (catalogue number 219). |
exhibition catalogue | Blank. Raw. Illegible ... Artists' Books as Statements (1960–2022) (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König : Cologne 2023) image repr. on page 19 (catalogue number 3). |