
collected: chorros de epina 15 4 1982

catalogue number: hdv 1982.082.
date created: 1982
classification: editions & publications
work type: collage series
medium: 14 plants of the luzula (luzula c.f. purpurea), collected on April 15, 1982 in Los Chorros de Epina, La Gomera (Canary Islands) - Spain, on paper and in Nepalese lokta paper cassette
dimensions: 14 + 1 (cover page) sheets, each sheet 29.7 × 18 cm
cassette 32.3 × 20.1 × 2.5 cm
signature and inscriptions: titled/dated 'collected: chorros de epina 15 4 1982', signed and number of sheets '14 p.' on the cover page (graphite pencil)
edition: edition 1/1
current repository: collection herman and susanne de vries
current repository number:
collecting history:
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photo/scan: ls
rights & reproduction: herman de vries